the Sugar Sweet Sunshine bakery
Cupcakes with colorful icing are a favorite snack for many people. There is something very special about them. Prettily decorated cupcakes make people smile over their cute looks and sweet tasto. Ifyou are a fan of cupcakes, you should visit the Sugar Sweet Sunshinebakery in New York. This tiny bakery is a great place to enjoy somedelicious cupcakes. In the Zagat New York City Gourmet Shopping & Entertaining 2008 survey, online voters were asked, “Where can I findthe best cupcakes in New York?” The Sugar Sweet Sunshine bakeryscored highest in the rankings. Inside the bakery, the atmosphere iscozy and comfortable. When you visit the bakery, you should try theSassy Red Velvet cupcake. All of the flavors are worth tying, but thisone is the best of all. The icing, with its beautiful bright colors, is just right, and the cake is moist and fresh. You won’t forget the taste of it for the rest of your life.
有五颜六色糖衣的纸杯蛋糕是许多人最喜欢的零食。他们有一些很特别的东西。装饰精美的纸杯蛋糕让人们为自己可爱的外表和甜美的味道而微笑。如果你是纸杯蛋糕的粉丝,你应该去纽约的Sugar Sweet SunshineBaker。这家小面包房是品尝美味纸杯蛋糕的好地方。在Zagat纽约市美食购物和娱乐2008年调查中,网上投票人被问到,“我在哪里能找到纽约最好的纸杯蛋糕?”甜甜的阳光面包店在排行榜中名列前茅。面包房内,气氛凉爽舒适。当你参观面包店时,你应该尝尝红丝绒蛋糕。所有的口味都值得搭配,但这一款是最好的。糖衣颜色鲜艳,恰到好处,蛋糕又湿又鲜。你一辈子都不会忘记它的味道。